Here is my another post. But this post is going to be a bit different( atleast that is what I intend). The protagonist of this post is one of my very close friend. What makes him special and odd is that he is just not like us( by us- I mean everyone who lives life because we are born. Everyone who doesnt realize the enormity of life). My friend is weird . Not in his appearance or behaviour but in his thoughts. We are so intimate that I can understand his thoughts even without expressing in words.
He doesnt like to watch television. He doesnt like movies.He hates chit-chatting. All he likes to do is- sit alone and think about something. He always feels that there are lot of things in world that needs to be understood more clearly. For him, life is a complicated puzzle that needs to be solved. He wants to estrange himself from his peers because he knew human-relationship is not his forte. He even wouldnt approach any girl because -1) he believed the girl wouldnt fathom even a single element of his way of seeing life.
He is not at all a materialistic person. He doesnt covet for gadgets, bikes, apparels or any other materials for that matter. He believed people would be contented and fulfilled only by leading an austere lifestyle rather than a luxurious one. He is not concerned much about his studies or his career.One of his favourite lines is "CAREER IS ONLY A 19TH CENTURY INVENTION. BEING SUCCESSFUL IN IT ALONE SHOULDNT BE THE ULTIMATE AIM" .
Above all, the most weird thing about him is that he always tries hard to enjoy pain. Because he felt THE MORE YOU EXPERIENCE PAIN, THE MORE YOU COULD APPRECIATE THE BEAUTY OF LIFE. On the whole, for him life is a damn serious thing.
Though I could understand him, I couldnt fully agree with him. For me, life is blissful only when it is taken lightly. Why should we think too much about everything in life??? Just enjoy life as it comes. I like being improper. There is always a twinge of happiness and excitement in making mistakes.
What I am trying to say is , there is no correct or wrong way to live a life. JUST LIVE LIFE IN THE WAY WHICH MAKES YOU HAPPY.
By the way, who is he(my so-called friend)??? HE IS NOTHING BUT THE OTHER SIDE OF ME. I didnt intend to plot any twist in the story. The reason is so simple. People who knew me wouldnt have believed that those exotic thoughts were actually mine.
There is always an "OTHER SIDE" to everyone of us. The side which we hide from our society. We hide it because we are afraid others might ridicule us, others might not understand us and ultimately they may not accept us. We always wanted to fit in our society. So we do everything, not because we wanted to do but because others expect us to do.
So why am I revealing THE OTHER SIDE of me all of a sudden??? Atleast now I am relieved that I expressed both my sides fully to others( atleast to the very few readers who read this). I know I have made this post a bit arduous and highly vague. I cant help it. If you want to talk about yourself, you need to bore others.
by prem
Im a Hero, im a Villan :P